diann bauer | sean dawson | jean gid lee | jo mitchell | jeroen offermann . grayson perry | hadrian pigott | kate smith | simon tegala
06.12.2003 — 23.02.2004

Curated by Marcus Sendlinger
International Exhibition of artists from UK, Germany, USA, Mexico, Sweden, Austria
diann bauer | sean dawson | jean gid lee | jo mitchell | jeroen offermann . grayson perry | hadrian pigott | kate smith | simon tegala
skip arnold . suzanne bernel . jane callister . liz craft . jason crum . marcy freedman . josephine mecksepe . olivier mosset . jay stuckey . carrie ungerman
michael bach . irina baschlakov . tine benz . lutz braun . stefan bressel. laura bruce . till budde . eva castringius . martin ede. alexander esters . joerg gimmle . heribert fried . joerg gimmle . rodrigo gomez- gatt . wolfgang hambrech . gregor hildebrandt . johannes hueppi . thaddaeus huepp . rainer kleemann . karsten konrad . stefan kuerten . alice kwade . christian laukemper . sabine metzger . michael moos . nicole nicke . mark paetzold . manfred peckl . christoph preussman . susanne roewer . peter sauerer . marcus sendlinge . stefan sehler . martin staedel . caro suerkemper . peter tholr . renate wolf . philipp zaiser . alex tennigkei . thomas zipp
gustavo artigas
joergen erkius
constantin luser
As a continuation of Cell Project Space's exploration of divesrse curatorial models by artists, Marcus Sendlinger will present 'Wheeling, London', part of the exhibition's world tour which includes Germany, 'Galerie Jette Rudolph', Berlin, 'Ausstellungsraum de Ligt', Frankfurt, 'Art Lab', Vienna, and 'POST Gallery', Los Angeles. Since July 2002, Sendlinger, a practicing artist, who lives and works in Berlin, has been inviting international artists to contribute artworks that explore the romantic spirit of 'The Biker'. All the artists who have contributed to the exhibition ride motorbikes or have ridden a motorbike at some point in their lives and therefore identify with its cultural myth.
The project reflects the conectivity of globalism; a moment of collaboration and common practice as a result of the internet. The project explores ideas associated with identity and myth of 'the biker' . In turn this raises questions about the limits of artistic freedom and the role an artist plays within a group or cult.
Supported by the Arts Council of England