Cell Foundation
Cell Foundation is a registered charity formed in 2014, accountable for Cell Project Space gallery operations and its exhibition programme. Cell Foundation is the named leaseholder for Cell’s affordable workspace along with Cell Project Space Ltd, a not for profit company with no shareholding capital. The Studios provide the core funding for all gallery overheads, staff salaries and operations expenditure. Our gallery programme and artists' commissions are realised through a core exhibitions fund alongside regular partnership and support from trusts and foundations, international arts councils and cultural agencies, embassies and diplomatic missions, local and national governments and private benefactors.
Cell Foundation’s Charity Objects:
• To promote the practice and appreciation of the arts for the public benefit and to advance the public’s education in the arts by:-
• the establishment and maintenance of an art gallery
• the provision of exhibitions, public discussion and intern training programmes
• supporting artists who are in financial need by assisting with working studio space for them
All Cell Foundation’s raised funds are used solely for the development of artists’ projects and the gallery’s public programme. Cell Project Space gallery is committed to supporting artists and enabling them to realise their ambitious projects. Cell Foundation assures the gallery's longevity and cultural vitality, through partnerships and fundraising.
There are number of ways you can support Cell Project Space, from making a one-off donation, to becoming a partner, or helping to fund an artist’s commission, a programme or organisational initiative. All donations and partnerships directly support the artistic programme and enable us to work with emerging and underrepresented artists from the UK and internationally. To find out more, please visit our Support page.
Registered charity no. 1156554
Registered company no. 8565097
VAT Registered: 201 8067 45
James Chesterman:
Senior partner of Latham & Watkins' London and has over 25 years’ experience.
Milika Muritu:
Founder Acting Director Cell Project Space Gallery
Richard Priestley:
Founder Acting Director Cell Project Space Studios
Previous Trusteee
Femke Oortwijn (2014–16)