Curated by Juan Bolivar

Juan Bolivar | Nick Dawes | Shezad Dawood | Hilary Koob-Sassen | Nadine Feinson | Matt Franks | Mathew Gooding | Justin Hibbs | Andy Hsu | Hiroe Komai | Peter Liversidge | Claudia Marchetti | Georgina McNamara | Andrea Medjesi-Jones | Christopher Paquet | Piers Secunda | Christian Ward | Laura White | Leon Woolls | Neil Zakiewicz
The main premise of this exhibition deals with the notion of a 'high-tech' and 'low-tech' aesthetic existing simultaneously as in the Hanna Barbera cartoon classic 'The Flinstones' which presents a believable yet unfeasibly sophisticated 'hand-made' world. The purpose of this curatorial rational as in previous exhibitions is to set a 'tone' or 'mood' rather than act as a didactic explanation for the positioning of works. The emphasis is to 'stage' a situation that encourages debate whilst presenting a survey of contemporary art practice. What seems initially a simple, almost dumb proposition for a show title, serves to initiate a discussion extending from language and abstraction (YA-BA-DA-BA-DOO), to the purpose of the artist as a latter day 'cave painter' and shaman.
One of the determining factors in pre-historic human evolution is the development of language. A reason attributed to the extinction of Neanderthals was their inability to develop complex language skill and in particular 'abstract thought'. Homo Sapiens on the other hand were able to engage with 'symbolic activity' and the production of art, unlike the Neanderthals.
Since 2001, Caroline Brockbank and Juan Bolivar have organised and curated nine independent art exhibitions in London under the guise of 'TRAILER', using temporary locations. Recent exhibitions include 'Cinderella' 2004 and 'Godzilla' 2003.