
Matt Franks | Denise Kum | Richard Priestley | Milika Muritu | Eyal Sasson

arseaboutface Cell Project Space, 2001

Curated by Richard Priestley

This launch show for Cell Project Space will focus on artists who utilise industrial materials and/or mass production processes to create just one final piece, so perverting the manufacturers intention for the process. In so doing these artists are reacting to the everyday fabric of their culture, making a statement about its structure by mutating its constitution.

Cell is located in the wing of a disused Furniture factory, but which has had various retail and industrial incarnations, so it is fitting to discuss the twisting order within its walls

Time spent in a factory produced the title of the show, overhearing snatches of comical abuse hurled at each other by the workers over the noise of the machines. It seems appropriate that art that is produced by reversing the intention of its constituent parts is called arseaboutface.

Eval Sasoon, untitled, 2001
Eval Sasoon, untitled, 2001