Screening: Bridgend (2013)

Saturday 27th October 2018, 4-6pm
Bridgend is a documentary film (dir. John Michael Williams) that investigates the events that caused ninety-nine young people since 2007 found hanged in Bridgend, South Wales. The film, as well as reading material (including a text by Alan Michael) will be shown within the exhibition, Astrology and the City that continues until November 11th.
Bridgend is a documentary film (dir. John Michael Williams) that investigates the events that caused ninety-nine young people since 2007 found hanged in Bridgend, South Wales. The film, as well as reading material (including a text by Alan Michael) will be shown within the exhibition, Astrology and the City that continues until November 11th.
Astrology and the City is a solo exhibition by London-based artist Alan Michael with a new series of paintings based on street photography that look at displays of subjectivity, social value and processes of research.