Screening: 36 Mesostics RE: and not RE: Duchamp by John Cage

Wednesday 27th March, 7:30pm
A screening of 36 Mesostics RE: and not RE: Duchamp read by John Cage. The video was originally shown as part of the Artists’ Television Network in 1978. The Artists’ Television Network (ATN) attempted to develop television as an artistic medium and provide a platform for experimental video art with dance, theatre, music and the visual arts. The formats included live performances, lectures, seminars, screenings, video art, theatre works and contemporary music compositions. For 36 Mesostics RE: and not RE: Duchamp, John Cage reads a series of mesostics using found and (re)authored texts. Mestostics were a form developed by Cage that generated vertical phrases by intersecting lines using spine-words that move down the middle of horizontal text. The screening will start promptly at 7:30pm and last 26 minutes.
Free, no booking required.
Free, no booking required.
Courtesy LUX, London.