Saturday 12th December 2020
Cell Project Space presents a new commission by Frankfurt-based artist Atiéna, the sixth and final in a series of projects as part of the pilot launch of Cellular, an experimental Live Art and Media-based programme. For this commission, Atiéna has produced a new work that will be displayed offsite on a moving billboard driving through locations neighbouring Cell Project Space.
Nevermind (Screen Test I) is neither a portrait photograph nor a movie. As a screen test, it is conceived to interrogate the suitability and sustainability of its very production. Reproducing some of the techniques employed in Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests (1963 – 1966), Atiéna presents a work consisting of a model posing, still, against a stark white backdrop. Slowed down to the point of becoming quasi stationary, the work speaks of a stark ‘silence’ and mute ventriloquism intrinsic to commercial fashion imagery. Styled by the artist, the model’s clothing and make up play with iconographic gestures invoking popular notions of transgression specific to teenage popular music and in doing so, simultaneously blend emancipation with commercialisation; and nihilism with nostalgia.
Nevermind (Screen Test I) will move across East London for an 8-hour period throughout the day, pausing at various locations for 72-minute intervals. Details with a time schedule will be published on a downloadable PDF map to be distributed prior to the event.
34:51min (looped)
Director and Editor: Atiéna
Co-Director and Colour Editor: Dudu Quintanilha
Casting: Mischa Notcutt (11c)
Model: Valerie Mevegue
Make Up Artist: Naomi Gugler
Atiéna (b. France, 1990), formally known as Atiéna Lansade Riollet, is currently based in Frankfurt, Germany. She first exhibited works in the group exhibition 'No,No,No,No,No' at Cell Project Space in 2018 and is currently working on her forthcoming solo exhibition at the gallery to open in November 2021. Recent solo exhibitions include 'The Cycle of Three Tails', Zaza, Naples in 2019; Shanaynay, Paris; and 'Postures of 'Aliennation', Almanac, Turin (both in 2018). Selected group exhibitions in 2019 include 'Milk', Edouart Montassut, Paris; 'Cinders, Sinuous and Supple', curated by Deborah Joyce Holman for Les Urbaines, Espace Arlaud, Lausanne and 'Le Colt est Jeune & Haine', curated by Cédric Fauq, Doc, Paris.
Launched in June 2020, Cellular is a new experimental Live Art and Media-based programme comprising a multi-purpose ground floor event space at Cell Project Space and an online platform on Cell’s website. Originally conceived to run alongside the exhibitions programme at the gallery, Cellular launches six pilot commissions of on-site and digital works to be delivered with and without physical audiences between June - December 2020. To find out more, please click here.
Cellular is made possible with the generous support of an Emergency Grant by Arts Council England. Atiéna's commission has been further supported by Fluxus Art Projects.

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