Warren Mclachlan

Potency, energy, and transformation are themes which underly Warren McLachlan’s practice. Harnessing the potential energy found in various collected materials, McLachlan’s work intends to establish links between the social, transcendental, and ethereal. A preoccupation with introspective activities such as smoking, drinking, gaming, and music provide the material and experiential considerations for his recent work. The paraphernalia of these social activities is rearranged and re systematised, hoping to offer alternative states of play. His choice of tenuous material and a loose assemblage of apparatus leads to a kind of closet enthusiasm for home-brewed technologies, such as developing a Crystal set radio to innovatively harness radio waves by the simplest of means.
Warren McLachlan Graduated from Chelsea College of Art MA Fine Art in 2007. Recent exhibitions include ‘Remnant Island’, Hooverville Projects, London, 2010, ‘Stand Up’, Cul De Sac, London, 2010 and ‘The Disconcerted Concert Party’, Elevator Gallery, London, 2010.