Santiago Taccetti

Argentinian artist Santiago Taccetti’s interest in high performance and compact portability introduces human modes of behavior making reference to the temporal characteristics of the natural environment and it’s potential risks. Set against digitally born raw fragments of mountain terrain Taccetti’s informational compression of geological form serves up a franchise of the earth’s hostile topography and the great outdoors.
Born in Argentina, Santiago Taccetti lives and works in Berlin. His solo exhibitions include: ‘Bear Tries To Beat Heat’, Club Midnight Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2013,’Favela Minimalism’, Sculpture Fields OMI, Ghent, New York, USA, 2012, Fractal Philosophy (and the small matter of learning how to listen)’, TWAIN, Sant Andreu Contemporarni, Barcelona, Spain, 2010. Selected group exhibitions include: ‘Sunbathers 2’, 1857 Oslo, Norway, 2014, ’Fight’, Julliette Bonneviot and Santiago Taccetti, Center Gallery, Berlin, Germany, 2014, D, Berlin, Germany, 2013, ‘Mutant Porcelain’, SWS, New York, USA, 2013, ’Berlin Art Prize’, Berlin, Germany, 2013.